
Thursday, February 10, 2011

In some of our previously published researches, we proved how he collected five hundred
ahadith of the Prophet, burnt them, then delivered a sermon in which he said, "Do not quote
any hadith of the Messenger of Allah; whoever asks you, say: `Between us and you is the
Book of Allah; so, act upon what it permits and stay away from what it prohibits.'" We also
indicated that he violated the Sunnah of the Prophet in recording the Book, supporting Umar
in his statement in which he said, "The Messenger of Allah is hallucinating, and the Book of
Allah suffices us."

He also discarded all the ahadith mandating the caliphate of Ali, thus usurping the caliphate for himself.
And he abandoned the Sunnah of the Prophet with regard to the appointment of Usamah as his [military] leader, refusing to participate in his campaign.

And he abandoned the Sunnah of the Prophet by hurting the feelings of the Prophet's daughter al-Zahra, earning her anger.
And he abandoned the Sunnah of the Prophet by fighting and killing the Muslims who refused to pay him their zakat.
And he abandoned the Sunnah of the Prophet by using burning to death as a form of cold
blooded execution even though the Prophet prohibited such an action.
And he abandoned the Sunnah of the Prophet when he stopped giving money to those whose hearts could have been won and inclined to Islam, following Umar's view in their regard.
And he abandoned the Sunnah of the Prophet when he appointed Umar as the caliph over the Muslims without even consulting with them.
Yes; all these and other actions are violations of the Sunnah of the Prophet recorded by the authors of the Sahih books of "Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jama`a" and by their historians. They are violations filling their biography books.
So, if the Prophet's Sunnah is what the scholars have defined as "every statement or action of or endorsement by the Messenger of Allah," Abu Bakr has violated the Sunnah through his statements, actions, or decisions.

Among the Prophet's statements which he violated is this one: "Fatima is part of me; whoever angers her angers me." Fatima died angry with Abu Bakr according to al-Bukhari. Another is the Prophet's statement saying: "The curse of Allah be upon anyone who lags behind Usamah's army." He said so when they challenged his appointment of Usamah over them and refused to go to war with him and under his military command. Abu Bakr, despite such admonition, lagged behind Usamah's army under the pretext of taking care of the issue of caliphate.

Among his actions in violation of the Sunnah is what the Messenger of Allah used to do with
those whose hearts could be won towards Islam; he was very kind to them and even gave
them a portion of the zakat as commanded by Allah, the Most Exalted One. But Abu Bakr
deprived them of that right which the Holy Qur'an had already mandated, and which was
carried out by the Prophet, only to please Umar ibn al-Khattab who said to them, "We have
no need for you."

Among the decisions whereby he violated the Sunnah was a decree made by the Prophet to write his ahadith down and to disseminate them among the public: Abu Bakr burnt them instead and prohibited everyone from disseminating or quoting them.

Add to all the above the fact that he was ignorant about many Qur'anic injunctions. He was,
for instance, asked once about the rule with regard to one who dies leaving some wealth but
neither a will nor dependents. He answered by saying, "I shall state my own view in its
regard; if it is correct, it is by the Grace of Allah; but if it is wrong, it is my own error and that
of Satan."[143]
How can you help being amazed about the caliph of the Muslims who is asked about an
injunction which Allah explains in His Book and which the Messenger of Allah has clarified
in his Sunnah, so he sets aside both the Book and the Sunnah to state his own personal view,
then he admits that Satan may over-power his mind?!
All this comes in the light of the fact that Muslim scholars had already decided that anyone
who expresses his own view with regard to the Book of Allah commits apostasy. We have
also come to know that the Prophet never stated his own personal view, nor did he ever
employ qiyas. Add to all this the fact that Abu Bakr used to say, "Do not force me to act upon
the Sunnah of your Prophet, for I can not bear it." If Abu Bakr could not bear the Sunnah of
the Prophet, how can his followers and supporters claim to be the followers of the same
He may be unable to tolerate it because it reminds him of his own deviation therefrom and his
distance from the Messenger; otherwise, how can you interpret the verses saying, "He (Allah)
has not laid upon you any hardship in the religion" (Holy Qur'an, 22:78), "Allah desires ease
for you, and He does not desire for you any hardship" (Holy Qur'an, 2:185), "Allah does not
overburden any soul with more than what it can bear" (Holy Qur'an, 2:286), and "Whatever
the Messenger brings you, accept it, and keep back from whatever he forbids you" (Holy
Qur'an, 59:7)?
Abu Bakr's statement that he cannot bear the Prophet's Sunnah is his response to the above
verses. If Abu Bakr, the first caliph after the Prophet, was unable to bear his Sunnah, during
that time and age, how can Muslims of our time be asked to uphold Allah's injunctions as
embedded in His Book and act upon the Sunnah of His Messenger?! But we have found Abu
Bakr violating the Prophet's Sunnah even in easy matters which can be undertaken by poor
and ignorant people:
Abu Bakr abandoned the offering of sacrifices which the Messenger of Allah used to do and
stress, and all Muslims came to know that to offer such sacrifices was a highly recommended
and emphasized Sunnah; so, how could the caliph of Muslims abandon them?!
In his chapter on the mother, al-Shafi`i, as well as others, has said:
Abu Bakr and Umar, may Allah be pleased with them, never offered sacrifices because
they hated others to follow their example and consider doing so as being obligatory.
This is an erroneous and a groundless justification; all the sahaba had by then come to know
that offering sacrifices was a Sunnah, a commendable act, not an obligation. Even if we
suppose that people thought that they were obligatory, what harm could have resulted
especially after having seen how Umar invented the Taraweeh prayers which were neither a
Sunnah nor an obligation; rather, the Prophet had prohibited them, yet most "Ahl al-Sunnah
wal Jama`a" nowadays think that they are obligatory?

By abandoning the Prophet's Sunnah with regard to offering sacrifices, Abu Bakr and Umar
may have desired to mislead the people into thinking that not all what the Messenger of Allah
had done was obligatory, and that it could be abandoned and ignored. This may explain their
statement: "The Book of Allah suffices us," and so will the statement made by Abu Bakr
wherein he said, "Do not quote any of the Prophet's ahadith and say: `Between us and you is
the Book of Allah; so, act upon what it permits and stay away from what it prohibits.'"
Thereupon, had someone argued with Abu Bakr about the Prophet's Sunnah relevant, for
example, to offering sacrifices, Abu Bakr would probably have answered him by saying, "Do
not talk to me about anything relevant to the Prophet, and show me where the Book of Allah
refers to offering sacrifices."
Thus can a researcher understand why the Prophet's Sunnah remained unknown to them,
forsaken, and why they altered the injunctions of Allah and His Messenger to fit their own
views and qiyas and whatever they liked of matters agreeing with their own inclinations.
The examples which we have put forth here are only a drop in the bucket compared to what
Abu Bakr had done to the revered Sunnah of the Prophet and to the insults, burning,
negligence with which he meted it. If we wished, we could write a separate book discussing
How can any Muslim feel comfortable about a person the extent of whose knowledge is this much, whose relationship to the revered Sunnah of the Prophet is like that, and how can his followers call themselves "Ahl al-Sunnah"?! Followers of the Sunnah do not forsake the Sunnah, nor do they burn it. Nay! "Ahl al-Sunnah" are those who follow and revere it.

Say: If you love Allah, follow me so that Allah may love you and forgive your sins, and Allah is oft-Forgiving, Merciful. Say: Obey Allah and the Messenger, but if they turn away, Allah does not love those who disbelieve. (Holy Qur'an, 3:31-32)