Who is Abu Bakr’s mother? And is it true that she used to eat flies?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

His eminence Sheikh al-Habib mentions in detail in his book titled ‘Obscenity the other side of Aisha’ that there are two main incidents where the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (peace be upon him), laid bare the fact that Salma bint Sakhr, who is Abu Bakr’s mother, used to take flies as food, as did her husband Abu Quhafa, Uthman bin Amir, (May the wrath of God be upon them all).

• The first incident was narrated by Sulaym Bin Qays (May God be pleased with him). When Abu Bakr and Umar Ibn al-Khattab conspired with a group of hypocrites tried to force the Commander of the faithful (peace be upon him) and his companions to pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr, Abu Dharr (May God be pleased with him) said to Umar:

“O Umar, are you taunting me about the love of the progeny of Muhammad and the respect of their rights? May God curse - and He has - those people who held enmity towards them, accused them, took away their rights, and made people ride over their necks and reversed the community to their previous beliefs.”

Umar said mockingly: “Amen! May God curse those who have taken away their rights. By God, they (i.e. the progeny of Muhammad) do not have any rights in this, and all people including them are equal in this.” Imam Ali (peace be upon him) then said to Umar: “O son of Sahhak! If we do not have any right in this, then is it yours and the son of a woman’s who eats flies? (Sulaym Bin Qays al-Hilali, p. 161 and al-Ihtijaj by al-Tabarsi, vol. I, p. 112).

• The second incident is where Imam Ali (peace be upon him) delivered his sermon, known as al-Taalutiyah [1], in the radiant city of Madinah after people had pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr (May God’s wrath be upon him). Abu'l-Haytham ibn Tayyihan narrated: “Then he (i.e. Imam Ali peace be upon him) left the mosque and passed through a grazing land where around thirty sheep were there. He pointed at the sheep and said: By God, if I had men of this number of sheep, sincere and true to God and His messenger, then I would have overthrown the power of the son of the woman who eats flies” (al-Kafi, vol. 8, p. 33).

It might be worth mentioning that history reveals two more aspects of her life that are far more repulsive and contemptible. The first aspect is; Salma bint Sakhr was a “woman of flags”, meaning that she was a whore who would hoist a flag on the top of her house that serves as a distinguishable mark to invite in those who would like to have access to her. Muhammad Tahir al-Qummi al-Shirazi reported: “And his (i.e. Abu Bakr) mother is Salma, a woman of flags in Mecca” (Kitab al-Arba’een by Muhammad Tahir al-Qummi al-Shirazi, p. 532).

Whereas the second aspect shockingly reveals that Abu Bakr’s mother, Salma bin Sakhr, was married to her paternal uncle! As Abu Quhafa’s full name is: Uthman bin Amir bin Amr bin Ka’b bin Sa’d bin Taym bin Mura and his wife’s full name is: Salma bint Sakhr bin Amir bin Amr bin Ka’b bin Sa’d bin Taym bin Mura!! This shows that Salma was Abu Quhafa’s niece or in other words his brother’s daughter. (This has been reported by numerous scholars [2]).

In addition, Jarir al-Tabari has frankly reported this shameful fact about Abu Quhafa and Salma’s marriage in his book al-Mustarshid as he said in regard to Abu Bakr: “his father is Uthman bin Amir, and his mother is Ummul-Khair bint Sakhr, and Uthman was married to his niece”. (al-Mustarshid by Ibn Jarir al-Tabari, p. 326).

[1] The sermon derives its name from Imam Ali’s statement addressed to Abu Bakr, Umar and their supporters: “By God, if I had the number of companions that Talut had or supporters the Prophet had in the battle of Badr, and they were inimical to you, then I would have struck you with sword until you return back to the truth…. The separation among you would have suited you best and most befitting to you. O God, judge between us with truth and You are the best of judges.”

[2] Such as: (1) al-Mu’jam al-Kabir by al-Tabarani, vol. I, p. 2, (2) Ma’rifat al-Sahabah by Abu Na’im, vol. 24, p. 151, (3) al-Kuna Wal al-Qab by Ibn Mindah, vol. I, p. 87 and numerous others.

18th Sha'bban 1432
The Office of Sheikh al-Habib in London
